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Cooling Tower Fan Measurement Guide

This guide describes the measurement approach for quantifying avoided energy use associated with retrofitting evaporative cooling tower fans with variable frequency drives.

Lighting Measurement Guide: Dedicated Panelboard with Automatic Controls

This guide describes the measurement approach for quantifying avoided energy use associated with retrofitting lighting systems with automatic controls, which are on panelboards that serve lighting loads only. The system may either have integrated control (ITC) at the panelboard or distributed control (DTC), where controls replace manual wall switches in the occupied space and are frequently coupled with wireless occupancy sensors.

Lighting Measurement Guide: Mixed Panelboard with Automatic Controls

This guide describes the measurement approach for quantifying avoided energy use associated with retrofitting lighting systems with automatic controls, which are on panelboards that serve lighting loads other electrical loads (e.g., receptacles, equipment, etc.). The system may either have integrated control (ITC) at the panelboard or distributed control (DTC), where controls replace manual wall switches in the occupied space and are frequently coupled with wireless occupancy sensors.