CUNY BPL’s coaching program was developed to help City facility personnel carry out systems optimization projects. Coaches are trained operations and maintenance experts who assist operators in analyzing their building data, implement changes, and assess results.

Load Management (LM) Coaching
Ready to take your facility to the next level of energy performance? Load Management Coaching brings together Load Management strategies with Building Re-tuning techniques to help participants identify clear paths to low-cost and no-cost opportunities in energy efficiency that can show instantaneous energy savings potential.
Through this program, CUNY BPL has helped the Department of Education and other agencies cultivate a culture where building personnel are mindful of not only occupant comfort and maintenance, but also of maximizing the energy efficiency of building operations. To learn more and request free coaching, please contact us.

Measurement and Verification (M&V) Coaching
The goal of the M&V coaching program is to address specific building systems, measurements, and calculation tool integration related to energy efficiency projects for which funding was requested.
Each coaching program begins with an introductory session where CUNY BPL analysts and engineers meet with relevant agency personnel. The information gathered during the introductory session cover topics related to M&V planning and implementation strategies, potential methods of data acquisition, and approaches for analyzing and interpreting results. To learn more and request free coaching, please contact us.