10 Items Available
Wifi Monitoring – RX3000 (RX3000)

A remote monitoring station that has a 10-Channel data logging system for a broad range of energy and weather monitoring applications. It can be easily configured with a wide range of plug and play smart sensors.

Air Flow Energy Sensor Node HVAC Renewable Energy
2 Items Available
Two External Channel Data Node (ZW-007)

A four-channel wireless data node that includes an external temperature/RH sensor probe and two additional analog ports. It wirelessly transmits data in real time using a mesh network of devices. Works with ZW-RCVR and ZW-Router.

Air Flow Pressure Sensor Node HVAC
4 Items Available
Temp/RH Data Node (ZW-003)

A two-channel wireless data node that measures temperature and relative humidity. It wirelessly transmits the data in real time using a mesh network of devices.

Relative Humidity Temperature Sensor Node HVAC
10 Items Available
Remote Monitoring Station (RX3000)

Offers a ten-channel data logging system for a broad range of energy and weather monitoring applications. It can be easily configured with a wide range of plug-and-play smart sensors like the S-WSA-M003 and S-LIB-M003.

Air Flow Energy Sensor Node HVAC Renewable Energy