Industry-standard recommendations are to increase outside air flow and reduce (re-)circulation of air within buildings, in order to reduce SARS-CoV-2 concentration[1]. The Ventilation Increase Impacts (VII) Calculator was developed to help building operators assess the impact of these recommendations on their HVAC systems. It enables the user to calculate the heating load (in kBTU/hr) and… Continue reading Ventilation Increase Impacts (VII) Calculator
Content Type: Tool
Airborne Infection Risk Calculator
The Airborne Infection Risk Calculator (AIRC) was developed by researchers at CUNY BPL, the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (Cassino, Italy) and the International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health (ILAQH, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia). AIRC is an airborne contagion modeling tool programmed in Microsoft Excel… Continue reading Airborne Infection Risk Calculator
Building Energy Modeling and Analysis (BEMA)
CUNY BPL’s BEMA platform is a set of tools to aid in the exploration of building energy usage through statistical modeling, as well as to provide users with general building and portfolio information.
Building Automation System Assessment Tool (BASAT)
The rapid advancement of building automation devices, coupled with the importance of improved environmental performance, has led to the installation of building automation systems (BAS) in an increasing number of buildings. The Building Automation System Assessment Tool (BASAT) created by the CUNY Building Performance Lab seeks to provide a basis for a standardized approach to… Continue reading Building Automation System Assessment Tool (BASAT)